Articulated streamers, or articulated flies in general, are decades old. However, articulated streamers have really become hugely popular within the last ten years. Everything seems to be articulated these days, although I still haven’t seen many articulated dry flies...
Streamer flies have a tendency to get lost in a vast sea of bunny and deer hair. The common term for these flies is “meat”—“we threw meat today”. While this term makes a lot of sense, the differences in streamer patterns also often end up being lost when you throw...
When you talk about streamer fishing, you need to start with professional bass fishing. In professional bass fishing, there are normally two types of bass fisherman. There are power fishermen and finesse fishermen. Kevin VanDam is one of the most famous bass fisherman...
Understanding fly fishing hook size isn’t the sexiest topic around, but your hook is your link to the fish and is closely related to the size of your flies. Pretty sexy stuff! Well, maybe that’s just me thinking. Most fly anglers’ exposure to fly fishing...
Most truly great carp flies are impressionistic. If a carp fly is going to work from coast to coast and even from pole to pole (probably no carp at either pole), the carp fly has to imitate a lot of different food items. The other alternative is that the carp fly...
Fly fishing travel has exploded in that last few decades or so like a volcano on a tropical island. The business of taking fly fishing trips has now become forever a competitive enterprise with hundreds of fly shops, outfitters, and various fly fishing luminaries...